Support your workforce
There have always been kids at Trampoline. Since 2003 we've worked to create a culture that puts family first, knowing full well that it's easier to be creative when things are good at home. That founding principle—Family First—has taken on a deeper meaning as we collaborate from the confines of our living rooms.
A reintroduction:
Trampoline helps companies and organizations make the most of any situation. Even when faced with remote-work challenges, video conference buffering, and parenting-while-creating, these seven clients have used their Q2 wisely. They're making adjustments, or acquisitions, and are communicating their position in the best way imaginable.
Forced Change Can Reveal Positive Growth
We are often told not to fall in love with the first idea or design. Many times, if you challenge yourself to think past that first idea, you land on a new concept that is different and flexible. Exploring how many ways you can pivot a thought or the oddest thing you can think of—seriously, finding the unpredictable can be where you find inspiration.
Printing is in the Details
We're always excited to get print samples. We were particularly eager to get print samples of the recent Adirondack Council Planned Giving brochure. We knew this would be the perfect project to have printed using UV Printing with the beautiful landscape photography used throughout.
Black Lives Matter
Today is no different than yesterday or eight days ago, or even 8 years ago. Our country has a racism problem. We should have spoken up a long time ago, been more consistent with our support and advocacy.
Vector in Place
Keep the content fresh. Even a global catastrophe is no reason to post anything stale. The Tramps challenged one another to market their personal shelter-in-place locations. What's the best part about where you are?
Socially distant. Creatively consistent.
Six weeks into quarantine, but who's counting? We are. Counting website hits, conversions, sales. Yes, counting billable hours. Counting on people to do the right thing. We're counting on each other. The team dynamic is a big part of our agency process.
Read the room: Communicating in times of crisis
After almost a month of remote work, following stay-at-home guidelines, we're finally seeing advertising that has been clearly influenced by a worldwide pandemic. For our part, we've been creating COVID-influenced content since February as part of our work for Glens Falls Hospital.
A Going Concern
The travel and tourism industry is on hold for the foreseeable future. While that puts a damper on both ongoing and upcoming work in our shop, there are industries we serve that are, well, essential, and we're busy communicating just that.
Business unusual
In a perfect world, the press release would read something like: Trampoline expands, adding 16 new offices, overnight. We are not living in a perfect world. Our staff is now creating from the safety of their own homes.
A Click Measuring Contest
As the saying goes: Likes don't pay the bills...sales do. So much of what we do as an agency can, and should, be measured. Creatives, consultants, and influencers have to be transparent about a realistic return on investment. Interaction is not a transaction.
BoGo on Philanthro
Here are ten, non-profit clients who partner with Trampoline to help raise awareness of (and funds for) their efforts. Each is different, with varying geographic areas, vision statements, and metrics for success. They are all mission-driven professionals trying to have an impact on our world.
Motion to compel
Shiny objects and shorter attention spans. That's what it comes down to. Here are nine, easy examples of how to incorporate motion into your marketing, because it's no longer enough to just put yourself out there, you also have to dance.
Unlimited Screen Time
First and foremost, we're not what you'd call a web shop. Design, advertising, and campaign creative is really more our bailiwick. Repeat impressions, hilarious headlines, and content choices are how we execute a successful market strategy.
Does Your Brand Still Fit?
We’re expecting a string of sunny days over the next week. It’s what our friends at Fountain Square call, “local summer.” You grab the summery clothes bound for storage and give them one last wear on a hike, trip to the lake or backyard barbecue. We dig deep into the gratitude well and revel in the abundance of joy from living in a place that we love.
Arrivals + Departures
What makes a place unforgettable? Is it an incredible experience, or an outlandish story? Is it time spent with family and friends? A meal you'll remember forever? Probably all of that, and then some. When we go about marketing a place as a destination—it needs to be worthy of a traveler's time and treasure.
Track be nimble
Demand Side Platforms* are offering more audience segmentation, using specific criteria to identify the right consumers for a product, service, or destination. The software builds a deployment based on social media likes, recently visited sites, purchase history, lookalike profiles, and search terms.
Perspective Requires Evolution
Ideas are considered a deliverable in our industry. It can be hard to sell an idea, people might say, "But it didn't cost you anything." I suppose to a certain extent that's true, but in reality, any idea is a result of our perspective, whether that is how we grew up, the education and training we've had, or simply a part of the unique way that we think.
Agenski of Record
The recently rebranded Peak Pass has leveraged the Peak presence in the Northeast, and their strategic locations near metropolitan areas including Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Washington D.C. and Baltimore. Drifter Pass sales, in the coveted 18-29 demo were up 47% last season. Sales were supported by a dedicated creative campaign that just won a Telly Award,
Create demand and don't let up
Tiered pricing tied to dates is a great way to incentivize consumers, but time limits alone will not seal the deal. Consumers need a repeat approach, even when the offering is a zero-hour affair, available for a limited time only.
Q: “I've got one... how about the differences and roles between/for PR and Marketing? Uses and time/place for each? Just a thought from a reader! Keep up the great work in '25.”
A: Over the years, prospective clients have called wanting PR, others have wanted marketing, others advertising, which emerged from a need for PR. Let's break it down.