Double H Ranch: Reflecting on 20 Years
The spirit that Double H Ranch showed that first night, daring to give a young agency a whirl, has endured. Over the years, we have created illustrations that push the boundaries of expectation and live in a place where wonder and delight play. We tried new things, experimenting and embodying the spirit Paul Newman embraced in his push to let sick kids "raise a little hell."

A Year in Review: 2022
We're proud of the work we've done this year, and for 2023—we're ready to go full steam ahead. ✌️out 2022.

Give back today. And everyday.
From the High Peaks to the foothills, we're fortunate to have amazing organizations in our area that have taken root to help feed our communities, improve our way of life, lift our children, and care for our people. Let’s help them thrive.

ORDA Drops New Designs
The New York State Olympic Regional Development Authority (ORDA), manager of the facilities used during the 1980 Olympic Winter Games at Lake Placid, has announced the release of a new suite of logo marks for its world-renowned Legacy Sites…

Pedaling Passion to Purpose
A few months back Derek rode in the Dempsey Challenge, choosing the 65 mile ride, while Paula walked in the 5k. Obviously he rides because he loves to do it, but it goes deeper than that.

An Evening to SAVOR
Since out-of-the-office work transitioned into remote work more than two years ago, we SAVOR all the opportunities we get to meet in person. And what better way to savor these moments with our clients and colleagues than gathering together on a gorgeous spring night?

Bringing the Winter Stoke (and hopefully some snow too)
The most exciting month of the year. Fall turns into winter, snow gathers in the clouds and blankets the summits. Winter—the season we work toward for 10 months of the year—finally arrives.At Trampoline, we’re fortunate to be able to follow our passions online and offline.

Depth of Field
In search of a videographer with drive to narrate, chronicle, and produce content for clients in the outdoor adventure industry, higher education, healthcare, and non-profit spaces.

From laid-off to fitting in
Life is a journey, and mine started in Upstate New York. It’s taken my traveling spirit on twists and turns to places far and wide—the latest is my position at Trampoline. But before I get too far into my Trampoline post, I need to share a little backstory.

Hiring Account Manager
Trampoline is hiring an Account Manager to join our 18-person shop. This role will be responsible for managing a portfolio of clients, working with our Senior Leadership team to establish timelines and project scopes.

An update: New Year, New Opportunity, New Intern into New Employee
We’re thrilled to enter into 2021 with open minds and an open internship position! Due to Covid-19, we’re working remotely, so you will be, too. We’re seeking an enthusiastic, self-motivated, creative individual who isn’t afraid to raise their hand with good ideas or ask for work if they are light.

A focus on preservation: Revealing hidden histories frame by frame with Preservation League of New York State
One of the most important things we do for clients is to create bridges. First, we deliver stories, missions, products, and experiences to potential audiences and clients using video, design, and language. Then, our skills get used in different ways to most effectively build those bridges.

Unexpected Loss & Gain: College of Saint Rose Grads Reflect on Program Closures
We read with heartbreak the news of the College of Saint Rose closing several of their programs. It feels cruel in a year when students have missed out on tradition, graduates are having a door sealed forever.

Time to define: what happens next?
We’ve moved beyond “unprecedented” as the adjective of the moment. The novelty of remote work and Zoom calls has faded. Headlines like New Normal and Uncertain Future run, while articles speculate on loan forgiveness and unemployment rates.

Respect the Spend
Is mountain biking the perfect activity? Exercise and adventure, socially distant outdoor destinations, and fun technical equipment...sounds like it to me. Based on the numbers, a lot of people are pedaling in that same direction.

Vector in Place
Keep the content fresh. Even a global catastrophe is no reason to post anything stale. The Tramps challenged one another to market their personal shelter-in-place locations. What's the best part about where you are?

Socially distant. Creatively consistent.
Six weeks into quarantine, but who's counting? We are. Counting website hits, conversions, sales. Yes, counting billable hours. Counting on people to do the right thing. We're counting on each other. The team dynamic is a big part of our agency process.
Q: “I've got one... how about the differences and roles between/for PR and Marketing? Uses and time/place for each? Just a thought from a reader! Keep up the great work in '25.”
A: Over the years, prospective clients have called wanting PR, others have wanted marketing, others advertising, which emerged from a need for PR. Let's break it down.