Socially distant. Creatively consistent.
Six weeks into quarantine, but who's counting? We are. Counting website hits, conversions, sales. Yes, counting billable hours. Counting on people to do the right thing. We're counting on each other. The team dynamic is a big part of our agency process.

A Going Concern
The travel and tourism industry is on hold for the foreseeable future. While that puts a damper on both ongoing and upcoming work in our shop, there are industries we serve that are, well, essential, and we're busy communicating just that.

A Click Measuring Contest
As the saying goes: Likes don't pay the bills...sales do. So much of what we do as an agency can, and should, be measured. Creatives, consultants, and influencers have to be transparent about a realistic return on investment. Interaction is not a transaction.

BoGo on Philanthro
Here are ten, non-profit clients who partner with Trampoline to help raise awareness of (and funds for) their efforts. Each is different, with varying geographic areas, vision statements, and metrics for success. They are all mission-driven professionals trying to have an impact on our world.

Motion to compel
Shiny objects and shorter attention spans. That's what it comes down to. Here are nine, easy examples of how to incorporate motion into your marketing, because it's no longer enough to just put yourself out there, you also have to dance.

Unlimited Screen Time
First and foremost, we're not what you'd call a web shop. Design, advertising, and campaign creative is really more our bailiwick. Repeat impressions, hilarious headlines, and content choices are how we execute a successful market strategy.

Arrivals + Departures
What makes a place unforgettable? Is it an incredible experience, or an outlandish story? Is it time spent with family and friends? A meal you'll remember forever? Probably all of that, and then some. When we go about marketing a place as a destination—it needs to be worthy of a traveler's time and treasure.

Track be nimble
Demand Side Platforms* are offering more audience segmentation, using specific criteria to identify the right consumers for a product, service, or destination. The software builds a deployment based on social media likes, recently visited sites, purchase history, lookalike profiles, and search terms.

Banking on Community
Glens Falls National Bank has been the place for people to go for mortgages, home equity, and car loans since before any of us, or our parents were born. Banking has changed a lot, continues to change, keeping pace is a dance. The majority of 2018 was spent delivering a message of commitment.

Print for Impact: A die-cut to shatter the sameness and center the student
The SUNY Purchase ‘Create You’ campaign was intended to speak to prospective students about how Purchase could help them take steps towards becoming who it is they want to be. The piece extended beyond academics, highlighting clubs, connections, and community they would be introduced to and become a part of while attending the college.

Cobleskill Through the Tramp Lens
The Cobleskill series of collateral that we worked on was visually stunning because of its color, image selection, use of texture, a visual play on words, and overall unique physical features. The first project of the Cobleskill series was the “Travel Piece.” This was a small piece that would cover both the school of Agriculture and the School of Business and Liberal Arts & Sciences and be handed out to potential students as Cobleskill traveled to high schools.

Superheroes of Design
When I learned that Marvel Studios patriarch Stan Lee passed away recently, it struck a chord with me. I collected Marvel comic books and trading cards growing up; it’s largely what sparked my interest in drawing and graphic design.

Q: “I've got one... how about the differences and roles between/for PR and Marketing? Uses and time/place for each? Just a thought from a reader! Keep up the great work in '25.”
A: Over the years, prospective clients have called wanting PR, others have wanted marketing, others advertising, which emerged from a need for PR. Let's break it down.