Good Design is in the Details
After years of honing our skills and working together to push the envelope and turn the key, our Tramp team of designers has found that good design lies in the details. For us, it comes down to the small things; the kerning of a headline, how colors contrast against each other, the uniformity in line weight. Here are the details our designers look at when putting a piece together.

Open Your Door to the Outdoors
Each year, Trampoline works hand-in-hand with Lake George RV Park to create a summer campaign that is chock full of ol’ fashioned American fun. As the park has grown through the years, so has the scope of work that we deliver to Park owner and CEO Dave King, keeping his business up to date with media trends and platforms.

Embracing Their Greatness
To emphasize the unique traits of the Nichols College Bison and create brand consistency as they grow, Trampoline Design developed an updated Brand Guide complete with an iconography set in trademark green and black.

A refresh to stay current
Whether you suffer from writer's block, the 3 o'clock yawns, or the stuck-inside-for-a-year-pandemic-doldrums, change, or a refresh, might be just the thing to perk you up again. We all need to flip the pages every now and again, to stay motivated, relevant, and feeling good. The same goes for businesses.

Unexpected Loss & Gain: College of Saint Rose Grads Reflect on Program Closures
We read with heartbreak the news of the College of Saint Rose closing several of their programs. It feels cruel in a year when students have missed out on tradition, graduates are having a door sealed forever.

Q: “I've got one... how about the differences and roles between/for PR and Marketing? Uses and time/place for each? Just a thought from a reader! Keep up the great work in '25.”
A: Over the years, prospective clients have called wanting PR, others have wanted marketing, others advertising, which emerged from a need for PR. Let's break it down.