Good Design is in the Details
Advice, graphic design Alli Clift Advice, graphic design Alli Clift

Good Design is in the Details

After years of honing our skills and working together to push the envelope and turn the key, our Tramp team of designers has found that good design lies in the details. For us, it comes down to the small things; the kerning of a headline, how colors contrast against each other, the uniformity in line weight. Here are the details our designers look at when putting a piece together.

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Embracing Their Greatness
branding, Work Michele DeRossi Vidarte branding, Work Michele DeRossi Vidarte

Embracing Their Greatness

To emphasize the unique traits of the Nichols College Bison and create brand consistency as they grow, Trampoline Design developed an updated Brand Guide complete with an iconography set in trademark green and black.

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