A video paints 50,000 words

Our research consistently tells us that prospective college students want to be able to picture themselves at a school before they ever set foot on campus. To that end, video content is a crucial component for outreach and impact with teenagers. Trampoline and Paul Smith's College have teamed up to produce a series of videos highlighting various majors and disciplines that are far from run of the mill. In just shy of six weeks, the first four videos have amassed over 50,000 total views on the Paul Smith's Facebook page. Each video has been shared over 200 times, drawing positive comments from students, faculty and alumni alike. We've seen the campus in all kinds of weather and have been lucky to have a bird's eye view of what it truly means to be a "Smitty." Telling these stories in this way is an example of doing what you love.

“Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influence of the earth.”― Henry David Thoreau, Walden

We didn't just get our boots dirty, we got our faces wet and had our breath taken away by the spectacular campus, faculty, and students.

Here's a first look at the next video in the series, highlighting the Baking program and, yes, as a matter of fact we did sample the confections. Maybe twice.

Four additional videos are in the editing suite and will be premiering soon. We're looking forward to showing all that is available and maybe showing off some of the skills we picked up along the way.

A particularly compelling message, on campus and beyond, is that transfer students are quickly accepted into the Smitty life. The idea of being able to restart or pick back up without fear of having missed your chance is incredible. The team that supports transfer students at the college is passionate and driven.

There are so many avenues for getting out, and in the case of Paul Smith's College, it means outdoors and out into the workforce.



We're headed back up to the "middle of everywhere" tomorrow to capture footage for the next video in the series—Recreation and Adventure. Forecast calls for snow, we anticipate another lesson in the incomparable beauty of the Adirondacks.


Gopher the Gold


One Good Turn(s)