Process: A portrait

"What's your process?"This is a question we are asked in preliminary meetings with clients, and proposal requests we receive. It's a question that is disregarded by some companies and individuals who might not put the time into decision-making, probably because time is money. We don't set out to be the cheapest or the most expensive, we just want to be the best for our client.The answer is that each project works in its own way, but the basic structure of creative and communication at Trampoline remains.We start with a conversation, listening and then asking questions. Later, our entire team gathers around a table spitballing ideas. What about this? Or what about the opposite?This process often involves laughter and ribbing, as we push the communication envelope and play with language. The fun that we have creating with each other can be seen in the end product. Colors, stocks, fonts and finishes are suggested, torn apart and reworked. This results in deliverables that demand attention, and create repeat impressions.Employees around TableWe talk things through, confirming that the avenues we explore for design or messaging are as effective as they can be. This process makes a product stronger by ignoring ego and putting our collective energy, spirit, and skill into the creative.Once we've done this, it's time to put pen or pencil to paper, because the reality is that while we ultimately deliver things digitally, we still begin with a sketchbook.
The space between sketch and print allows for critiquing within the shop. During face-to-face meetings with clients, we further refine (or roughen) the graphics and illustrations.Sketch to design progressAs we talk through concepts and identify points to emphasize, the idea of using an illustration may shift to using a photo, or the other way around. The first idea is rarely the best or without room for improvement; we focus on identifying the strongest elements and tailoring them for the intended audience.ADG Ad SketchThe goal is to have something worthwhile, based on a process that we believe in as an agency invested in your success.Raul's sketch

Design is Alma Maters


2015 Winter Board Meeting