Tramps on the Run

We indulge in quite a bit of interoffice smack talk, ranging from music tastes and typos, to feats of athleticism or clumsiness. When Jim Goodspeed, our longtime contact for the pro-bono work on the Rotary 5k, ribbed us for the 15th time about putting together a corporate team, we finally bit. "Ok, who's in?" Sean asked as he pushed his chair out from his desk. There were a couple of mumbled excuses, "I have a wedding," and "Someone is moving, or else I'd totally be there." Sean persisted, "So who is running?" This went on for a few weeks before we finally had our team: John, Will, Paula, Derek, Sean, Amanda, and all three Magee girls. Once our paperwork was in, the taunts began in earnest. "You training?" "Ah-ya, been doing elbow curls at Mean Max." "What's your time on a 5k?" "Remind me what the k stands for again?" Finally the race day came and we met at the SUNY Adirondack campus. The mood was light and the sky overhead was gorgeous. A perfect day for a race. Everyone finished, but Will really lit the course up.

Given that certain Tramps respond more ambitiously to field trips that don't require wicking apparel, we put together Spring Break at Spring Brook.

Tough to beat fresh squeezed oj infused screwdrivers on a sunny day, attendance to this was markedly better than the 5k. Call it field research for the merch we'll be designing for the distillery. Another project related to Rotary was RiverFest, a merging of the Water Walk and the Feeder Canal Alliance 5 Mile Canoe & Kayak Race. We've happily donated design for the Water Walk each year, so when David Bogue asked us to create branding for this new event, we leapt at the chance. As to whether or not Will and John have any chance of ever setting foot in another canoe, that's anyone's guess.


Given Our Druthers


The New H Word