The Luxury of Pickiness

Picky Selective Discerning Choosy Overparticular Opinionated Fickle As we all participate in the sprint/marathon/obstacle course for people's attention the truth is that consumers, with very few exceptions, have the luxury of pickiness. They get to go full on House-Hunters-judgey and define their own expectations and reasoning.

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They can tune you out, be drawn to new things by a fleeting sparkle, or even change their minds without explanation. Being sneaky, disingenuous, or half-hearted is no way to win someone over. So what the heck are you supposed to do when algorithms constantly change, ad rates soar, the market gets crowded, and something like a fidget spinner comes along and makes your product or service as appealing as week-old potato chips in a bag that wasn't properly closed? We would suggest that the first thing you do is laugh. We're all misunderstood, burned, and wounded from time-to-time, and the stories are often amazing. Honestly, finding true love is hard and the pitfalls along the way are inevitable, brand love is every bit as tricky.

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If consumers are picky, let yourself be upbeat, undaunted, and unyielding in your offering of your service or product. Remember that what you offer is something of value, it serves a purpose, produces an emotion or an outcome that is desirable. When people try to define you in a way other than that, go back to center. We sell candles--> We deliver light. We write copy---> We bring stories to life. We have cabins for rent---> Your yet-to-be-made memories live here. It isn't necessary to be like everyone else or to feel it's a failure if you don't appeal to all people. Be you and for the right people that will be more than enough.


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