Among the 12 recommendations of the 2005 New York State Invasive Species Task Force report to the Governor and Legislature was the formation of eight Partnerships for Regional Invasive Species Management (PRISMs) to help prevent or minimize the harm caused by invasive species on New York’s environment, economy, and the health and well-being of the State’s citizens. PRISMs are intended to coordinate invasive species management functions including coordinating partner efforts, recruiting and training citizen volunteers, identifying and delivering education and outreach, establishing early detection monitoring networks, and implementing direct eradication and control efforts.
Logo system, style guide
Chapter-based division of NYS DEC.
Account Manager, Art Director, Brand Strategist, Copywriter, Creative Director, Graphic Designer, Illustrator, Production Manager, Proofreader
"I'm really happy with the new logo!"
— John Thompson, Crisp Director
"Thank you for including me in the process, I am very pleased with the result!"
— Marc Wolf, Executive Director Mountain Top Arboretum